Day 233: Weather change, and listening to The Fitcast

Day 233

A more or less routine non-training day for me.  Followed my meal plan close enough.  I was contemplating doing a bit of HIIT today, but I was feeling dead tired upon arriving at the apartment after work, so I took a one-hour nap instead.  The weather wasn’t also good for running; it was raining most of the day (a welcome change for Adelaide, as it hasn’t rained for three months!) with strong winds, and then later in the afternoon, the rain cleared but the winds kept blowing.  I walked along the beach at night and the waves were really just crashing to the shore, and wind was stirring a lot of sea spray and a bit of fog as well.  Far cry from the picture perfect sunny weather a few days ago, but I am not complaining.  Summer is officially over, and as the weather turns generally cooler, I might have to invest in a pair of track pants as today was definitely not shorts and tank top running weather.

To and from work, I listened to the latest podcast from The Fitcast.  Week after week, Kevin Larabee and his guests answer fitness and nutrition questions in an entertaining way.  I’ve learned a lot with those podcasts and they sure make driving time productive!

Eat right, keep learning, expect success!


Day 233 - Front Day 233 - Back Day 233 - Side

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