Day 330: Flat tyre again!

Day 330

Today I did the 2nd group of full-body exercises on Nate Green’s Built for Show Spring program. Like the first group I did two days ago, it was a high-volume, short rest-period training day, with the same format of alternating exercises with opposite movement patterns. It was another fun session as I got to try jump squats and dumbbell push presses, though it was also quite painful to feel the burn in long sets of dumbbell Romanian deadlifts and Bulgarian split squats with just short rest periods.

I actually just got to the gym on my bike, as the flat tyre flared up again just 100 metres before I got there! I walked the rest of the way, but then had to walk a little over 2km back home after I finished my training session.

Eat right, train hard, expect success!

Day 330 - Front Day 330 - Back Day 330 - Side